How Crucial is DDOS Protection for Your Website

How Crucial is DDOS Protection for Your Website?


DDOS refers to the direct denial of service, in DDOS attacks a huge volume of artificial traffic flow is sent to your site for the purpose of weakening the host servers. Upon receiving such big traffic, the website crashes as the overflow overloads the servers on which your website is relying. Therefore, it is essential for a website owner to remain familiar with such types of attacks.

There are a few types of DDOS Attacks in which the first type appears when your website is attacked with a huge traffic volume that shut downs the functionality of your site. The second type includes the direction of artificial traffic on a specific part of your website. Here the purpose is to target a dedicated hosted app. However, the nature of both attacks is the same as your site has to deal with fake traffic.

These days where organizations have gone digital and use software, and applications to store the data of employees and customers. Everything is available over the internet and hackers are there looking for a lope hole to attack your website. Therefore, protection from DDOS Attacks is very important.

You can compare DDOS Attack protection with an airbag mechanism in the car. As we don’t realize its actual importance unless we need them. DDOS Attack protection allows companies to check their traffic 24/7 and ensure them everything is fine. Besides the advantages of DDOS protection, we will also explain how crucial DDOS attacks are for your website.

DDOS Attacks are common 

Over time the evolving digital shift has made DDOS attacks common. According to multiple surveys, there were more than 8 million DDOS Attacks back in 2020 If we compare it to 2019 there were more than 7 million attacks. Here you can see the percentage of DDOS Attacks increased by 15% in just a year. These attacks are very severe even sometimes organizations having the strongest security systems cannot defend themselves from these attacks. With the evolution in technology, DDOS attacks have become more lethal as they are not just volumetric attacks. 

These Days DDOS Attacks have a magnitude of fewer than 5GB which makes them small enough to pass through traffic filters and destroy the functionality of your website. Cybercriminals are making these attacks more sophisticated by shortening their size and duration. This means in case of a DDOS Attack companies will have less time to defend themselves. We all know in 2020 there are millions of DDOS Attacks whereas 92% of them were shorter in duration even less than 60 minutes.

How Crucial Are DDOS Attacks For Your Site

A DDOS Attack might result in numerous effects depending on the nature of the attack 


The first impact a DDOS attack leaves on your website is to make It unavailable which means your website will not be functional until you restore it again. Moreover, downtime also negatively impacts the reputation of your site. For instance, if it does not load quickly or function properly the consumer will move on to another side. After seeing such behavior google will also de-rank your website.

When your website is attacked by DDOS it will be unavailable and return to 502 bad gateway error. As a result, your search rankings will be affected badly in case you do nothing to restore it again. There are also cases when the website did not restore for days and when it came back the internal and external links were lost.

Issues in Server and Hosting 

In case your website often undergoes attacks and you have done nothing it might result in problems with your hosting provider. In case you are having a good web hosting service provider, he will offer additional tools to cater to these issues. On the other hand, if you are using shared hosting the attacks will also impact other’s website functionality.

A DDOS Attack can also expose your website to hacking as you might be busy getting your website access by putting all the security on the side. Here the hackers may find it the right opportunity and launch an attack via Backdoor. You should keep in mind that follow-up attacks similar to this would not come from the same source as the hackers are smart enough to use multiple IPS and tracks for the purpose.

Therefore, if your site is under DDOS Attack you need to make sure that your WordPress site is safe. It should be your priority instead of focusing on how to get your site back to normal. The second approach should be to restore your website as it will help you to get back online quickly. Moreover, you need to have a backup for your data in case the site does not get functional quickly. Moreover, if you don’t focus on fixing your site Google will rank your page down to the 100th page.

If you are running an e-commerce store that is under DDOS Attack you might lose a huge potential revenue. As a result, you might have to hire an expert to ensure your site is working back again.

Hope you have realized how dangerous are DDOS Attacks for your website. As they can ruin your reputation in the market and you might lose potential customers as well. Besides protection, you should also know what are the causes which make your website vulnerable to DDOS Attacks.

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The first element which can be a major reason for DDOS Attacks is a cheap web hosting plan. When you try to save some money and buy a cheap hosting service it will result in two problems such as lack of instant support and client volume.

When you are using a cheap hosting service you are sharing a server with multiple clients. In case any of them undergoes a DDOS Attack your site will be on the radar as well. On the other hand, you will not get any support from such hosting providers in case of DDOS Attacks. Even if they will not offer you enough security precautions which can warn you before the attack. A cheap hosting provider is enough efficient enough to advise you upon having a data backup of your website in case of any emergency.

It’s not because these service providers are trying to commit fraud it’s because they don’t deliver what they promise through advertisement. If your website means a lot to you then buying a reliable hosting service is not a bad idea. Although you have to pay for some extra bugs, in return you will get some features as well. Grid hosting is a suitable option in this regard as they offer all kinds of plans and ensure that your site is fully secured.

Outdated Coding

One should ensure that the themes and plugins of WordPress remain up-to-date. Although it will not save you from the lethal DDOS Attack but reduces the risk of damage to some extent. Here you should focus on updating your coding and WordPress theme directories are a perfect destination where site owners can find complimentary themes and plugins. Here you should not install any code which is not compatible with your website as it can cause problems later on.

DDOS Attacks are so dangerous in nature that they cannot be stopped just by installing some anti-virus software. A recommended practice is to have some precautionary measures.

Keep installing new software and use the security alerts on your site as both will help you to keep the risk to a minimum extent if there is any attack on your website. Running regular backups will help you to secure important information and upload it back when your website restores back from the attack. Ask your hosting provider to keep updating the WordPress to ensure you are running the latest version.

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