Why choose us for VPS SSD ?

20x Faster

With our VPS SSD server, you can give your website a quick boost as it provides blazing fast speed and high performance. Our exclusively fine-tuned servers provide the fastest solution with maximum redundancy so you can get super- amazing outcomes.

Integrated cPanel

Our VPS hosting is available with pre-installed cPanel, through which you can manage the hosting environment professionally. We provide full control over VPS SSD solution which allow admins and the end users to have managed control over different aspects of your site.

Instant provisioning

Unlike other VPS hosting services, we don’t take hours or days to be activated. You can get your server up & running instantly through our efficient provisioning. Our servers are specifically designed according to latest industry standards and requirements.

Outclass performance

Our monitoring and server fine-tuning provides outclass performance solutions, as we offer easy server software installations and configurations with a single click. We manage your VPS servers through advanced anti-spam techniques for excellent results.

VPS SSD Hosting

Grow your website faster with our VPS SSD Hosting.Choose a plan that suits your requirements


Price in £



Additional Features

Super-fast SSD solution

We use super-fast SSD solution for all the virtual private servers that provide easy functioning, maximum capacity and optimal performance. It’s an ideal choice that can help you build, manage and run your website smoothly.

VPS backups

Our professionals take daily backups of your VPS server to an off-site location for recovering files and managing uncertain situations. We offer 24 hours support, additional flexibility with expert advice & consultancy

Upgrade anytime

Your VPS SSD servers are 100% scalable that exactly meet your business requirements. You can upgrade the servers according to the needs without experiencing any speed issues and downtime complaints.

Resilient and secure

Our VPS servers are highly secure and resilient as compared to a traditional standalone server. Our servers are based on physically protected data centers backed with uninterrupted power supply systems.

Maximum storage

Grid hosting provides you an opportunity to have extra storage solutions so that your emails and user data can get additional space needed to manage smooth operations. We also provide unlimited bandwidth at no additional costs.

Hardware & software

With SSD enabled for your VPS, our servers are uniquely empowered with increased flexibility and reliability which are further supported by easy control panel, and also have management tools pre-installed for easy setup.



Virtual Private Servers equipped with solid state drives is the fastest solution that increase speed and provide more space. The solution allows resources such as RAM and CPU that would specially dedicated to your account. This could be achieved by virtualizing your dedicated server and then splitting the resources among different users using that server.
Getting started with VPS servers is quite easy with Grid hosting. You can simply choose from server hosting packages according to your website needs and then follow our sign up process.
Yes, our VPS servers are easy to use, because we have an easy cPanel on all the VPS accounts. You can manage your software, updates, applications, databases, emails, files and more within the unique cPanel graphic interface.
It’s easy. If your website has been experiencing a consistent increase in daily traffic, and you think the speed is getting slow day by day, then it is the perfect time to avail the solution for fastest speed, maximum storage and quick results.

Choose the best managed Cloud Hosting experience for your business!